In Acts 2 when the Church was established there was only one church (one Christ, only one body; Ep. 4:4). As time went by, grievous wolves entered in and made havoc of the Church (Acts 20:29). This has caused religious division, false teachings, corruption on many different levels, and ultimately discouragement to many who want to be pleasing to God, but are confused as to what is the truth. This is certainly not what God wanted because he admonished us to "...be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment" (1 Co. 1:10).
We as the church of Christ at Milestone strive not to be a "denomination" but simply the New Testament Church that you can read of in the Bible. We do this by humbling ourselves to the authority of Christ (Mt. 28:19) and recognize him as the Head of the Church (Ep.5:23).
We call ourselves the Church of Christ at Milestone to identify who we are. We are the Church (body of believers) that belongs to Christ, meeting in the Milestone community. We do not need to identify with any other man or creed. We know this is pleasing to God and authorized because when Paul (through inspiration) wrote to Rome he penned, "...the Churches of Christ salute you" (Rm. 16:16). We know that those who followed Christ in the New Testament called themselves Christians (Ac. 11:26). So we are simply Christians. We do not call ourselves anything else, for that would only divide. Besides, why would people want to call themselves anything other than something that promotes the one that died for them (1 Co. 1:12, 13)?
We as the church of Christ at Milestone strive not to be a "denomination" but simply the New Testament Church that you can read of in the Bible. We do this by humbling ourselves to the authority of Christ (Mt. 28:19) and recognize him as the Head of the Church (Ep.5:23).
We call ourselves the Church of Christ at Milestone to identify who we are. We are the Church (body of believers) that belongs to Christ, meeting in the Milestone community. We do not need to identify with any other man or creed. We know this is pleasing to God and authorized because when Paul (through inspiration) wrote to Rome he penned, "...the Churches of Christ salute you" (Rm. 16:16). We know that those who followed Christ in the New Testament called themselves Christians (Ac. 11:26). So we are simply Christians. We do not call ourselves anything else, for that would only divide. Besides, why would people want to call themselves anything other than something that promotes the one that died for them (1 Co. 1:12, 13)?

The Greatest Command
"...thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment." - Mt. 22:37-38
"...thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment." - Mt. 22:37-38
The Second Greatest Command
"...And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
Mt. 22:39-40
"...And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
Mt. 22:39-40
Jesus stated, "If ye love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15). We strive to show our love to God y being obedient to His commands. In doing so, we want to do all things by His authority (Col. 3:17). This means we simply follow God's word to "throughly furnish" us "unto all good works" (2 Tm. 3:17).
Worship God:
"God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth" (Jn. 4:24). We have worship services every Sunday at 11:00 am & 6:00 pm. We strive to worship the way the New Testament church did through singing (Ep. 5:19; Cl. 3:16), teaching / preaching (1 Co. 4:17), prayer (Ac. 12:5), monetary collection (1 Co. 16:1-2) and the Lord's Supper (Ac. 20:7; 1 Co. 11:23-30). While we participate in singing, prayer and preaching/teaching in other services (Gospel Meetings, Lectureships, etc...) on days other than Sunday, we follow the example of the New Testament church by partaking of the Lord's Supper (Ac. 20:7; 1 Co. 11:20) and giving (1 Co. 16:1-2) on the first day of the week only, every week.
Bible Study:
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tm. 3:16-17). We encourage all our members to be like Timothy and "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tm. 2:15). We help our members by providing Bible classes for all ages on Sunday mornings at 100:00 am and Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm. We offer classes collegiate level Bible classes through our school (Northwest Florida School of Biblical Studies). We also offer personal Bible studies and Bible correspondence courses.
Jesus stated, "If ye love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15). We strive to show our love to God y being obedient to His commands. In doing so, we want to do all things by His authority (Col. 3:17). This means we simply follow God's word to "throughly furnish" us "unto all good works" (2 Tm. 3:17).
Worship God:
"God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth" (Jn. 4:24). We have worship services every Sunday at 11:00 am & 6:00 pm. We strive to worship the way the New Testament church did through singing (Ep. 5:19; Cl. 3:16), teaching / preaching (1 Co. 4:17), prayer (Ac. 12:5), monetary collection (1 Co. 16:1-2) and the Lord's Supper (Ac. 20:7; 1 Co. 11:23-30). While we participate in singing, prayer and preaching/teaching in other services (Gospel Meetings, Lectureships, etc...) on days other than Sunday, we follow the example of the New Testament church by partaking of the Lord's Supper (Ac. 20:7; 1 Co. 11:20) and giving (1 Co. 16:1-2) on the first day of the week only, every week.
Bible Study:
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tm. 3:16-17). We encourage all our members to be like Timothy and "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tm. 2:15). We help our members by providing Bible classes for all ages on Sunday mornings at 100:00 am and Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm. We offer classes collegiate level Bible classes through our school (Northwest Florida School of Biblical Studies). We also offer personal Bible studies and Bible correspondence courses.
Jesus stated, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." (Mt. 28:18-20). We take very seriously our responsibility to teach others the Gospel and provide tracts, Bible Correspondence, and personal Bible studies. While we love personal one-on-one interaction we also utilize television, radio and internet opportunities to spread the Gospel (Mk. 16:15-16; Rm. 1:16).
Our congregation strives to follow the New Testament example of Christian fellowship through fellowship meals, widows' luncheons and men's fellowship breakfasts (Ac. 2:45; Jude 12). We "rejoice with them that rejoice" (Rm. 12:15a) by celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, etc. We "weep with them that weep" (Rm. 12:15b) by providing dinner for grieving families. Members will sometimes bring food to homes of those who are shut-in or suffering the loss of loved ones (Jm. 1:27). We also seek to uplift one another during difficult times by visiting hospitals (Mt. 25:36; 5:13-15), sitting with families during times of surgery, sending cards and providing transportation for one another when needed.
As God's family we encourage those in nee around us by providing access to a food pantry provided for by members (Mt. 25:35; Ac. 4:34-35; 11:29; 2 Co. 9:13). We also have an annual "Give-Away Day," in which members donate items such as clothes, toys, small appliances, furniture, etc... (Ac. 2:45). Instead of selling these items, we give them away for FREE! At different times we provide prepared meals for those in the community such as school athletic teams (Mt. 25:35). We also work through the local schools to provide clothing for less fortunate children (Mt. 25:35).
Jesus stated, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." (Mt. 28:18-20). We take very seriously our responsibility to teach others the Gospel and provide tracts, Bible Correspondence, and personal Bible studies. While we love personal one-on-one interaction we also utilize television, radio and internet opportunities to spread the Gospel (Mk. 16:15-16; Rm. 1:16).
Our congregation strives to follow the New Testament example of Christian fellowship through fellowship meals, widows' luncheons and men's fellowship breakfasts (Ac. 2:45; Jude 12). We "rejoice with them that rejoice" (Rm. 12:15a) by celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, etc. We "weep with them that weep" (Rm. 12:15b) by providing dinner for grieving families. Members will sometimes bring food to homes of those who are shut-in or suffering the loss of loved ones (Jm. 1:27). We also seek to uplift one another during difficult times by visiting hospitals (Mt. 25:36; 5:13-15), sitting with families during times of surgery, sending cards and providing transportation for one another when needed.
As God's family we encourage those in nee around us by providing access to a food pantry provided for by members (Mt. 25:35; Ac. 4:34-35; 11:29; 2 Co. 9:13). We also have an annual "Give-Away Day," in which members donate items such as clothes, toys, small appliances, furniture, etc... (Ac. 2:45). Instead of selling these items, we give them away for FREE! At different times we provide prepared meals for those in the community such as school athletic teams (Mt. 25:35). We also work through the local schools to provide clothing for less fortunate children (Mt. 25:35).
The church of Christ is not a building. In fact, all that have been added to the church (Ac. 2:47) are one body in Christ, and every one member is one of another (Rm. 12:5; 1 Co. 12:12-27). The membership collectively owns a nice building that is used to assemble for worship services, conduct Bible studies, carry out benevolent activities, and host fellowship gatherings. While the building is not sacred, it is used to help carry out the mission of the church.